A Review of Thieves Profit by Bruce Davis on Amazon

Thieves Profit novel by Bruce DavisOriginal Review Date: 4/17/2018
Review Location: Amazon.com
Stars: 5 Stars

An exiting story of a private freighter crew trying to make a living while skirting the edge of the law. The skipper is a rare survivor of “The Bear”, a research facility that uses human guinea pigs. Zak M’Bel was a soldier in the Mars rebellion, but was double-crossed by the rebellion’s leader who ran The Bear.”

“Zak has to survive between two groups of criminals and the law. It makes for engrossing reading that kept me glued to the pages and trying to figure out how I could read “just a few more pages” before it was time to hit the sack.“

A Review of Glowgems for Profit by Bruce Davis

GlowGems for Profit novel by Bruce DavisOriginal Review Date: 6/24/2019
Review Location: Amazon.com
Stars: 5 Stars

Okay, it’s kind of a funky title. Sounds like one of those get-rich-quick seminars you see signs for on the side of the road. Thing is, there’s a pun in there that you don’t recognize: the Profit is actually the name of the spaceship that carries our hero through the solar system; Davis is creating a series of adventures about the Profit and her crew and this is only the first – all of them (presumably) will have Profit in the title. So that’s part of the reason: and also, of course, the question of profit is one that runs through the book. The idea of a get-rich-quick scheme, especially one that isn’t really what it seems, is exactly what this book is about, and greed warring with caution is another theme that runs through the book.

And this book runs. That’s the first thing you should know: this is action from start to finish. Davis spends the first two chapters giving us enough exposition to understand who these characters are – and then starting with Chapter Three, the guns start blazing and the blood starts flowing, and it doesn’t really stop until the end. It’s got everything: hand to hand combat, gun battles, chase scenes, ship-to-ship space combat, locked door murder mysteries, betrayal, secrets – everything; and all of it is wonderfully well-done. I don’t know if it was hard to put down because I never really tried: I didn’t want to put it down, I wanted to keep reading, wanted to get to the next scene, the next fight, the next sticky situation, to see how the heroes could fight their way out of it…”